
Ugh. The “saga” unfortunately continues.

With the third installment of the “Twilight Saga” now officially out in theaters, we suppose we can’t pretend to ignore it any longer.

Our Review

Check out our “Eclipse” movie review here. (And let us tell you, it pained us to actually have to pay for this one… ick.)

Funny Finds

TIME Online compiled some photos of crazy Twi-hards camping out in LA before the Eclipse premiere. Some of them are downright disturbing. Check it out here.

Reviews We Like

Roger Ebert

Good ol’ Roger is always good for a scathing review when it comes to a “Twilight” film. Or any film at all, it seems. While his review for “Eclipse” seems almost a bit tame, we still really like it. Especially the parts where he ridicules Edward’s eyebrows, makes fun of the CGI, and makes reference to what could have been a nice Brokeback Mountain moment between Ed and Jake in the tent.

The Associated Press

You can find this AP review everywhere, so we just chose the first link we could find. This may be our favorite review thus far (though there are sure to be other gems yet to come). The author, David Germain, admits that “Eclipse” is slightly better than the previous two “Twilight” films. But, he says, “The trouble is, while ‘Eclipse’ may not be dreadfully dumb, it’s still pretty dumb.” Give it a read.

Chicago Tribune

In another witty review, critic Michael Phillips shares why is unimpressed by “Eclipse.” He calls the directing sloppy, and takes stabs at everything from the cinematography to the music. Our favorite parts? When he refers to Edward as “Sir Fwoopy Hair” and Jacob as “the most famous resident of Camp Shirtless.” We like you, Mr. Phillips.

Interesting to note: Nearly every review we’ve read so far has had at least one thing in common: They all praise Dakota Fanning for her performance as Jane. Interesting.

11 Responses to “Eclipse”

  1. Honestly the trailers aren’t too bad. Likely because it looks like they actually put the newbie fight in the movie instead of just mentioning it in passing. I thought I also caught flashes of actually emotion from the actors. Of course as with most movies the trailers are going to have the best parts. Happened to see quotes from the actors talking about the tent scene so you know that’s where the dumb focus is going to be.

    Good luck ladies.

  2. Twilight fan-grils …… we are sooooo FUCKED!


    video review for you 🙂

  4. In all honesty, it was a bit better than the previous two, but it’s still crappy. Nobody could make a Stephenie Meyer novel into anything decent, that’s for sure. But it wasn’t “too bad that it’s good”, so it’s not hilarious enough to be amusing.

    I do hope “Breaking Dawn” movies will be more entertaining. The material is certainly there!

    Here’s my review:

  5. I just found out about this website and I love it. I also found out that some man in Europe(either in Switzerland or Germany, I don’t remember) was found dead in the movie theatre after watching Eclipse. They say it was an accident but I think it’s hilarious that he just happened to die while watching one of the movies in the worst series ever that was made into a movie.

  6. Oh dear. Why’d you have to pay for this movie when you got into the others for free?

    • It wasn’t playing at the theater Spider Monkey used to work at it. Hence, having to pay. (Boo, hiss.)

      • Hey, look on the bright side. The theater you work at must have realized how crappy these movies really are. Hope you and Destroying Angel get together this Thanksgiving. SOMEONE has to review Breaking Dawn.

      • We’ll do our best to get it done! Though, we cringe at the thought…

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