We Are Proud To Present…

We are proud to affiliate with the following sites:

… it seems like the sites we were affiliated with no longer exist! Sad face.

(If you have a site/blog/corner of the Internet that you think we would get a kick out of and would like to affiliate with us, please let us know!)

5 Responses to “We Are Proud To Present…”

  1. So sad for you, you have WAY too much spare time. Donate it too charity:)

    • Well, technically, we’re not getting paid for this, so it kind of IS like charity already — a charity service for all those anti-Twilight fans out there.

  2. WTF??? i love your site but why would you send me to a site with a bunch of asses (literally) sitting?????
    god i hope that was a mistake so pleas fix the top link, now

    • Oh goodness… yes, that definitely is not correct! Clearly, the site we WERE affiliated with no longer exists… or didn’t pay their web hosting bill. So sorry. Links removed!

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